The3CX4500F3 is a forced air cooled, ceramic—metal medium-mu amplifier factor power triode containing a thoriated tungsten carbide cathode designed for mainly used in amplifier, oscillator and modulator. High output power can be obtained as operatng in medium-mu voltage.The tube connects with service by theflexible lead cathode and the firm flange on the grid in indultrial application.
Filament Voltage ……………………… 7.0±0.35 V
Filament Current (at 7V)……………………78±3 A
Amplification ……………………………… 22
Interelectrode Capacitance (Grouded Cathode)
Cin ……………………………… 35±5.2 pF
Cout……………………………… 0.9±0.3 pF
Cgp ……………………………… 20±3.2 pF
Maximum Operaing Frequency (continuing wave)
……………………………… 75MHz
Operation Position ………Vertical, base up or down
Cooling …………………………… … Forced Air
Maximum Anode Core Temprature……… 250 ℃
Maximum Flexible Filament Lead Temprature
……………………………… … 150℃
Maximum Height ……………………… 468.3 mm
Maximum Diameter …………………… 155.58 mm